We’re thinking, writing, and publishing/blogging here!

March 14, 2023

This is a new adventure to me. Blogging. As I begin my newest (I hope my last ministry) with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sussex County (UUFSC) in Newton, NJ I’m flush with energy and excitement (we bi-polar types must surf with style the high waves of creativity – so here I am). With things to do, good folk around, and excellent medications I expect a splendid life here on out. I mean really, I’m a heart transplant recipient and doing great, June 21, 2010.

A bit of theologizing (ruminations about things ultimate) … Spirituality: awareness of our relatedness to the wonder, the mystery of being and becoming. Commitment to believing and acting in accordance with that which contributes to the health of others and all life. Known in history as goodness & righteousness. Right relationship.

Salvation (wholeness & security): awareness of relatedness to others, and life. Participation in the blessing given, abundant grace. Choosing to apply one’s energy to that which affirms, assists, and celebrates all creations health and happiness.

Sin (brokenness & fear): separation, hatred of the other, using without regard of consequences.

Be gentle with yourself and engage the world with a smile and nod. It will confound many and bless all.

Protestant Rabbi (with devote respect to Judaism aka: The Doakster, aka: Rev. Doak.

Update on my situation…

Connected in at “Dunkin (Donuts)” across from Panera on Water Str. (206 N) in Newton, NJ. My first external office set up in my new ministry. Will be here most every Tuesday until June. Fellowship folk are invited to come by and visit, 9:30 – Noon. Others are of course welcome. Maybe two inches of snow no with more all day and the possibility of mean winds. ‘Nor’easter’ it’s called. We’re the most northern county in NJ but Newton is in southern part of county (pop. 8.5K).

I arrived March 4 and have been hosted by some wonderful Fellowship members until the movers delivery and unpack my one-bedroom contents to my elegant new 2-bedroom digs. They are marvelous. Movers have 15 days fulfill the contract and it seems they are taking every day of it. Maybe tomorrow, next day.

I lead the service Sunday at 10:30. UU Fellowship of Sussex County. Tune in to link on our Facebook page!

A super nice area. Former mostly farm country: dairies, orchards, corn with some hills, find broad fields, and ridges. Mining was an early feature: the nation’s earliest iron deposits. Also, tanneries for leather making and shoe manufacturing.

Lots of lakes. Bigger streams. Historical buildings mid-19th century and earlier are plentiful. Picturesque for sure. Thorlab is the biggest business. A local founded and operated international firm in optics innovations as I understand. All the usual big box stores and lots of small businesses, shops, antiques, eateries (and usual fast food and restaurants chains) dot the area. Pretty good medical facilities. With others nearby. Daily newspaper! Diners are big. Hey it’s Jersey. It even has a knock off ‘Ba-da Bing’, the ‘Bare Den’. (Smirk)

Pre-Civil war courthouse and the obligatory Civil War epic pedestal monument on The Green, a proud Union grunt, “Defending the Union.” Amen! I am a proud Scalawag. (Look it up)

I like this place; my spirit knows this place. I’ve had many homes. This one I feel is going to be a good one.

I’ve two bedrooms, pilgrims. Travelers welcome!

Travel safe pilgrims…

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